Watercolor(Not displayed in other galleries) Flanders Fileds Poppy Red California Dreaming Undersea Adventures – Flying Fish Shows the Way Undersea Adventures – Open Ocean Undersea Adventures – Arctic Wildlife Undersea Adventures – Sea Grasses Undersea Adventures – Coral Reef Undersea Adventures – Life on the Beach Undersea Adventures – Heading Home Winter Is Upon Us Winter Birds Christmas Eve Glowing Christmas Christmas Splash Walleye Country Shell Lake High School Shell Lake Sunshine Tip Town The Bandshell at Shell Lake End of the Day at Shell Lake Water Tower at Shell Lake Cherry Blossom Bounce I Sunset from the Porch Cherry Blossom Bounce II Sunflowers at the Farm I Sunflowers at the Farm II The Little Red Hen Crackled Eggs Chicks Galore Hen A-Clucking Rooster with Attitude Happy Robin drip Flamingo drip Crane drip Early Birds A Lookout for Cole House on Horseshoe Bay Kangaroo Reeds Poppies in the Field Golden Glow in the Woods Teton Tree – Dead or Alive Hollyhock I Hollyhock II Hollyhock III Hollyhock IV Hydrangeas in the August sun I Hydrangeas in the August Sun II Splash of Poppies II Splash of Poppies I Hydrangeas in the August Sun II Hydrangeas in the August sun I Apple Blossoms on the Course Main Barn and Zinnias at the Farm Sun sets on the north farm house The Weathervane at the Farms Bull Barn at HSBF A Good Day to Walk Senior on Tour Champion Shot Perfect Putt Birdie at Sunrise Sun Sets at HSB Golf Club Summer at Murphy’s Park Crane drip Tomato Drip Carrot Drip Onion Drip Scarlet Runner Beans Drip Radishes Aplenty Drip Peppers Drip Jalapeno Pepper Drip Beets Drip French Breakfast Drip Peas Drip Purple Radish Drip Zucchini Drip Layers of vegetables Fallen Leaves Trees on the Bluff II Oregon River The White House I Pond at 17 at Spring Creek Cornell Crew Hayfield at Spring Road Greenery on the Bluff Paddling Missing Our Maple Naples Canal II Naples Canal Biking Through St Michaels Harbor at St Michaels St Michaels Shops St Michaels Street Everglades II Everglades I December Snow II December snow I The Sky’s on Fire Winter sunset through the trees Rocks in the Snow Snow Fence at Dusk twilight comes early Winter chills the fairway Early Blanket of Snow Snows Silently Drifts to the Ground Laura and Geoff Get Married Evening Settles on Egg Harbor Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal Light Tower Lighthouse at Cana Island Eagle Bluff Lightghouse Sherwood Point Lighthouse Tofts Point Rocks Time for red wine Drinks anyone? A Perfect Day for Fishing Welcome Home We Live Next Door Golden Glow in the Woods The Lake House at Keowee.